Monday, December 7, 2015

The re-launch of Free Balkans under IST Prayer!

After a six month sabbatical from the Free Balkans prayer blog, we believe it is time to relaunch the blog with a focus on the refined vision the Lord has imparted to us. During this past six months, we launched a new ministry called Intentional Strategies for Transformation or the IST Group. For more on our vision please check out our progressing website at With this in mind, we for the most part foresee the continuity of our blog to be as follows:

Week 1: Prayer for any IST Group related needs
Week 2: The city of Zagreb (our home and a specific target of our prayers)
Week 3: Croatia
Week 4: The Balkans. Sometimes regional other times a specific country.

This being our first blog, we will update you on the happenings here at the IST Group and next week, we will have a joint prayer for Zagreb and Croatia. After that we will continue as the above scheduled indicates.

The Upper Room House of Prayer (HOP) in Zagreb
Phase One of the IST Group is to establish the Upper Room HOP in Zagreb. Now that we have been faithful in conducting this House of Prayer for over a month, we feel the purpose and direction of the Lord even more. We meet Monday through Friday, once a day to worship the Lord, invite His presence and pray His heart.

Our objective is to provide a place and atmosphere for God’s promise given through the Apostle James in Acts 15:16-17, “After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;”. James goes on in verse 17 and states God’s purpose, “So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,”. For further study on the Tabernacle of David, please read these passages: Amos 9:11-13, 1 Chron. chapter 16, 1 Chron. 23:5, 25:1, 28:19, Psalms 27:4.

The Upper Room HOP is a place simply to give Jesus the honor due His name and worship who He is. The HOP is also a place we can corporately approach the Father’s throne in boldness and have confidence to seek His heart and His perfect will. When we know His heart we are confident in our prayers and intercession.  We learn what it means to be “more than conquers”.

We pray for the city of Zagreb, the country of Croatia and the Balkan region. We pray for the harvest of souls in the country, the government and all churches and civil institutions. We believe the time is now for God to bring a spiritual transformation!

Pray with us:
1) To stay focused in our prayer times on the unfinished task to disciple the nations (Croatia and the Balkans) Matthew 28:18-20
2) Pray for our Croatian HOP leader and her family, Lidija Zidov.  (She is truly a gift!)
3) Pray that we can move from meeting in our living room to a permanent place. (Pray for the funds to rent or buy such a place. Pray for a strategic location.)
4) Pray that the local pastors, priest and foreign missionaries will welcome our efforts.
5) Pray that the Lord draw the burning ones in this city who are called to be a part of this prayer effort.

Thank you so much for praying with us as we pursue this vision for blessing Croatia and ultimately the Balkans.

Jerry and Zuzanna

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