Monday, April 25, 2016
Pray for Bulgaria
As we pray for the Balkans each fourth week of the month, let us highlight Bulgaria this time.
We received feedback from some Bulgarian friends on conditions in their country.
From K.A.
Bulgarians celebrate Good Friday on April 29th and Easter on Sunday, May 1st. So, I think a primary prayer focus would be that more Bulgarians grasp the reality of Christ dying on the cross for our sins that we may join him in resurrection living.
From A.M.
Bulgaria is struggling spiritually - Many claim Christianity but it is cultural and not religious in nature. Due to hard economic times many people work many jobs and have no time for God or the church. They are still by enlarge a conservative people but with EU requirements that too is changing.
In some areas the Orthodox Church makes being an evangelical difficult but since it was revealed a few years ago that may of the Orthodox Church leaders were part of the communist party - even the Orthodox Church has lost its impact especially with the youth.
From P.R.
…we recently had a big crusade with Daniel Kolender. That CFAN ministries. [Daniel Kolender is being raised up to flow in the anointing of Reinhard Bonnke]
From the Facebook page of Evangelist Daniel Kolender
I thank God for what He did in Plovdiv, Bulgaria this past weekend! The power of the Holy Spirit touched so many people there. May Bulgaria continue to be changed by the power of the Gospel in Jesus name!
Prayer Points:
1) Let us praise the Lord for the recent crusade by Daniel Kolendar and others. Thank You, Lord, for visiting Bulgaria through these evangelist.
2) Let us pray that those receiving Jesus at this crusade would not fall away. Holy Spirit we ask that a special protection be assigned to their souls.
3) We pray that follow up will be very active to nurture those that received Jesus.
4) Let us pray that this Easter will be a time when many are drawn to Jesus the resurrected one. May all Bulgarian churches, even the Orthodox give extraordinary light to the power of the Lord’s resurrection.
5) Many in Bulgaria and across the Balkan countries has lost faith in the church as an institution. May the word of hope go forth across Bulgaria and especially reclaim the youth.
6) Let us pray for evangelist to be raised up in Bulgaria. This is a great need across the Balkans; evangelist that have a passion for the lost.
7) May 1st is Orthodox Easter and also May Day. May Day is a socialist/communist backed celebration to honor the working class. Let us pray that Jesus would not be over shadowed this coming Sunday.
8) Let us pray for the working class, which is actually all mankind, that they would see Jesus in the midst of their hard work. Market place ministry is available to every Christian.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Prayer for Zagreb 4/11/16

Pray for Zagreb,
Croatia this week
Break the “Chains”.
We must lift up
high praise in Zagreb and believe God to break the chains.
Prayer Points:
us approach His throne and ask for increased praise and worship to ascend over
we ask for a sound from heaven that will invade the city and break the enemy’s
we ask for a team of sold-out totally committed worshipers and prayer warriors
that will raise up a standard in Zagreb.
with us for the city of Zagreb. May it be our inheritance:
2: 8-9
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
Lord, give us a spiritual rod
of iron to beat the enemy into pieces. Help us to understand the spiritual
warfare necessary to break the people’s chains.
Let us proclaim and see liberty
so Zagreb can experience an outpouring of His glory.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Pray for ISTgroup
Please pray with us for the ministry we steward, Intentional Strategies for Transformation (IST Group).
We are currently in Texas having attended the Upper Room Global Conference in Dallas. Which was a blessed time of being equipped and ministered to by our home church. We feel so spoiled, UR Dallas loves us well! While in America we are meeting with churches and donors, expressing our thankfulness for their continued partnership. We are also meeting with many to cast the vision for ministry needs and opportunities in Croatia and Southeaster Europe.
If you are in Texas and we have not had the chance to meet with you this time, we are so sorry. This is the hardest part of coming to visit that we never have time to see everyone.
Prayer Points:
1) At the top of our focus right now is reaching the contribution goals needed to sustain the ministry. Pray that these goals will be reached.
2) Pray for our safe travels during our remaining time in America and our return to Croatia.
3) Our health has suffered some while in America, so pray we fully recover.
4) We are truly being encouraged by many here in the States and feel renewed strength to carry the vision forth. We pray blessings and increase over our spiritual and financial partners and thank the Lord for their willingness to say ‘yes’.
5) While here in Texas, we have had a very productive board meeting and our hearts are filled with joy, hope and anticipation for what God has in store for the IST Group and Southeastern Europe. We labored in prayer over the vision and believe God has a productive course set out for us. Pray with us as we walk through a few changes for transformation in Croatia and the region.
6) Our Worship leader Lidija from our HOP in Zagreb is with us in the US. This has been a great time of impartation and catching the DNA of the Upper Room HOP for her. Pray that Lidija is able to absorb everything the Lord has for her here and please pray that we are able to regain the momentum in the HOP we had before our trip to the US.
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